Daybeds 0 Modelle enthält 0 Varianten
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By clicking OK you accept the following:
If you have already placed items in your basket, these will be deleted.
When you order a container, you will now order items directly from one of our suppliers. Therefore, only items from the relevant supplier are visible.
Please note that your warehouse basket will now convert into a container basket, which counts m3.
Freight charges, if any, will be added on the order confirmation separately.
- Chairs: 100 pcs.
- Bedside tables: 60 pcs.
- Barstools, counter tables, beds, sofa beds: 50 pcs
- Small tables/TV-tables: 40pcs
- Dining and lamp tables, console tables, sideboards, glass cabinets, chests, wardrobes, desks, office cabinets, mirrors, bookcases: 30pcs
- Marble: 12 pcs (each model, size, and colour)
- Desk chairs: 50 pcs (max. 5 item numbers)
- Recliner: 5 pcs
- Corner sofa: 5 sets/min. 3 of each corner system
- 3-seater +2-seater+ chair + ottoman: 5 sets
- 3-seater, 2-seater- or chair: 10 pcs
- Chaiselongue: 5 pcs
- Ottoman: 20 pcs each colour
- Sofa bed: min. 15 pcs each model/colour
Please note that there might be individual exceptions.
Furthermore, we refer to our general sales- and delivery terms.
By clicking OK you accept the following:
If you have already placed items in your container basket, these will be deleted.
Please note that your container basket will now convert into a warehouse basket.
All items can only be ordered in pack sizes.
Conditions for free delivery according to agreement.
Freight charges, if any, will be added on order confirmation separately.
Furthermore, we kindly refer to our general sales- and delivery terms.
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